The "César Ritz" members of the HoS Beijing 2008 team have again spread all over the planet - from Norway, Germany, Switzerland to Malaysia, Hong Kong and China - and I hope that all of you have recovered from the efforts and emotions of 6 Olympic weeks. It is not easy to get back to "normal" life after such an intensive time, and I guess in the first week you almost missed the next medal party.
Despite the fact that I was not an "operating" member of the team (which I really missed as my instinct lead me automatically to the back of the house, where the action is ...) I spend a great time with you. It had been a long way to Beijing for all of you, a difficult and challenging selection process, but I must say that every one of you more than fulfilled not only my and the school's expectations, but, more important, the expectations of the organizing partners who were all highly impressed by you.
There were of course also the difficult moments, the long days, the sweating and the swearing. You have been through a somewhat extreme experience, but you will remember and learn from it for your future, and therefore I believe that every second was worth it. Take good care, wherever you go and whatever you do, and keep in touch. I am proud that I was part of your team! CK
The author of these lines would like to close the Olympic blog with a quote of his favorite author:
Douglas Adams