Friday, August 8, 2008

Olympic Mufti Day at UCCR in Brig

Beijing, Day 17

Today was the second most important event of the Beijing Olympics, the opening ceremony of the Olympic games (the most important, the official opening of the House of Switzerland, happened already one week ago), and all our thoughts are with our hard working team in the land of the rising sun (I'm still not sure if that's not Japan, actually).
To show our support not only for the HoS team, Eta Sigma Delta, UCCR's honor society, took the opportunity to organize an "Olympic Mufti Day" in favor of their "SOS Kinderdörfer" in Rio Honda, Peru, and Burundi, Africa, and raised almost 500.- CHF!!!. Students and staff purchased tickets to be allowed to dress down in sport (no swimming suits were permitted for reasons I still try to understand...???).

The Olympic Spirit (first from the left)
is alive at UCCR in Brig

No ticket, no mufti!!! Everybody played the game, and today's visitors thought the had come to the wrong school as the classromms were filled with all kind of athletes such as soccer players, sumo wrestlers, tennis players, Kung Fu fighters, long distance runners, and many more.
After watching the impressive show of the Opening Ceremony, and the monumental fireworks, the author of these lines wished deeply that he could have lived these moments with the whole team at the HoS in Beijing, but knowing that I will be back soon helps to dry the tears. CK

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