Thursday, August 7, 2008

Swiss Athletes at the HoS

Day-1: the Swiss athletes are dropping by the House of Switzerland, anxious to get the show on the road on 08.08.08.

Sophie Lamon from Sion (Fencing) was interviewed yesterday on the Swiss News. She won a silver medal at the Sydney Olympics and is ready to go as far as possible in this year's competition. There are three other athletes representing the State of Valais: Magali di Marco Messmer (triathlon) from Troistorrents, Gregory Sarrasin (wrestling) from Martigny (he was selected by his federation yesterday to replace another athlete) and Jeanine Cicognini (badminton) from Brig.

Jeanine Cigognini left Brig four years ago to train in Denmark. She is now a professional badminton player living in Saarbrücken Germany.

With these athletes and the "César Ritz" students working at the HoS, the State of Valais is well represented in Beijing. Looking back at Torino and Athenes, the medal celebrations were great events at the HoS and hopefully there will be several more in Beijing.

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